Hazard Identification and Control Policy


The purpose of this procedure is to provide a process that, so far as is reasonably practicable, incorporates the identification, reporting and investigation of foreseeable hazards related to work activities for Preston Hire work places and, in consultation with workers, the timely elimination or minimisation of risks to health and safety using the Hierarchy of Risk Control.

The purpose of this procedure is to ensure there is a formal process for hazard identification and risk assessment which will effectively manage the hazards that may occur within the workplace.

This procedure applies to all Preston Hire staff, Contractors and Visitors of Preston Hire. It applies to:

  • Planned workplace changes that may affect the health or safety of workers of Preston Hire prior to their implementation
  • Existing activities, work practices, equipment, items of plant, materials, substances, facilities, premises, buildings, areas, etc.


Hazard:Anything (e.g. condition, situation, practice, behaviour) that has the potential to cause harm, including disease, death, environment or property and equipment damage.

Hazard Identification:The process of examining each work area and work practice for the purpose of identifying all the hazards.

Risk: The likelihood or probability that a hazardous event will occur.

Risk Assessment:The process of assessing tasks and the risks associated with them. This is usually done by applying a risk score to each task which will ultimately show the consequences if nothing is done e.g. minor or major injury or death.

Risk Control: Process of identifying the most cost effective methods of eliminating or controlling a hazard. Using the Hierarchy of Risk Control, legislative requirements and Australian Standards the risk of damage, injury or death is reduced.

Monitoring and Review: Involves ongoing monitoring of the hazards identified and ensuring the procedures in place are being adhered to.


General Manager / Operations Manager

  • Gain an understanding of the hazards and risks associated with the operations of the business or undertaking
  • Ensure that the business or undertaking has and uses appropriate resources and processes to eliminate or minimize risks to health and safety.

Work Health and Safety Coordinator

  • Provide information, support and advice to management, operations coordinators and workers on the management and control of hazards and associated risks
  • Provide assistance in maintaining risk documents, policies and procedures
  • Consult with internal and external stakeholders regarding matters affecting the work health and safety of workers.

Operations Coordinators

  • Comply with all requirements of this procedure
  • Consult with affected workers during all stages of the hazard management process
  • Ensure consultation, cooperation and coordination of activities occurs with other persons conducting a business or undertaking (PCBUs) where a shared duty in relation to the management of a hazard exists i.e. with Principle Contractors on construction sites
  • Ensure a hazard is resolved within 48 hours of receipt of the Hazard Report Form from a worker or undertaking an investigation and risk assessment in accordance with this procedure where a hazard cannot be resolved immediately
  • Ensure a mandatory risk assessment is undertaken for activities involving plant, hazardous chemicals, and manual tasks
  • Ensure site specific records such as risk assessments, safe operating procedures and training information are maintained on file.

Employees / Contractors

  • Report all hazard and injury incidents to the site manager as soon as possible but within 12 hours of the event
  • Participate in the development, implementation and review of policies and procedures for hazard identification, risk assessment and control of hazards and risks within their workplace
  • Attend meetings, training and information sessions regarding the management of any identified workplace hazards as required
  • Comply with any reasonable instructions provided by the site manager in relation to WHS
  • Ensuring appropriate PPE is worn where safe operating procedure or a risk assessment has determined the requirement as necessary/appropriate
  • Comply with the WHS legislative requirements in regards to the management of hazards and their associated risks.


Workplace identification, assessment and control is an ongoing process. It should be undertaken at various times including:

  1. If the work has not been done before
  2. When a hazard has been identified
  3. When a change in the workplace occurs
  4. After an incident, accident or workplace illness
  5. At regularly scheduled times appropriate to the workplace

This procedure will assist in:

  1. Finding the hazard
  2. Assessing the risk that may result because of the hazard
  3. Deciding on control measures
  4. Fixing the problem using the control measures
  5. Monitoring and reviewing the effectiveness of the measures


Workplaces are obligated to determine how likely an identified hazard could harm someone. This is to be done in consultation with employees. To assess the risk, we will:

  • Identify factors that may be contributing to the risk
  • Review health and safety information from authoritative sources
  • Evaluate the likelihood of an incident occurring and the likely severity it may have to people and equipment
  • Identify actions that will control or eliminate the risk
  • Record the actions
  • Investigate the work area or skills set of the employees as these may be contributing to the risk
  • Review information about the hazard eg, laws, regulations, Australian Standards, Codes of Practice
  • Review if there are any other risk factors that may increase the likelihood of exposure eg: frequency, duration, number of people

A risk rating matrix will be used to assess the likelihood and the severity or consequences of each hazard and to give it a ‘risk rating’.


Where a risk assessment necessitates risk control measures, these should be undertaken in accordance with the relevant employees and using the ‘Hierarchy of Control’. The ‘Hierarchy of Control’ is designed to eliminate the risk, or if that is not reasonably practicable, to reduce the risk so far as is reasonably practicable, if the current measures are found to be inadequate and there is likelihood that injury, illness or disease will result from a particular situation

The risk control process must be carried out in consultation with the relevant employees.

Note: If there is an immediate risk to health or safety, ensure that the process/activity in question is ceased until measures are taken to remove the immediate risk.

Once a decision is taken on the suitable risk control measures, a plan should be developed in consultation with the relevant employees for the implementation of those measures. The implementation plan should identify:

  • The actions required
  • Implementation timetable; and
  • Who is responsible for the implementation of the actions.


Hazard identification and control is an ongoing process. Constant monitoring of hazard controls will need to be done to ensure compliance. Ongoing training of staff may be required when work systems change or new equipment purchased.

Preston Hire will review all risk assessments and applicable information annually or more frequently as required.




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Preston Hire is committed to creating a workplace that is injury, illness and incident free. Our strict WHS, environmental and quality policies and procedures in place to ensure that we are recognised by our customers and peers...


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